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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Meet Bigblast; ANOTHER French band with undecipherable lyrics who bring the jams

Srsly, what's going on in France? 2 of my favourite bands are already from there and now I've stumbled across Bigblast who combine lots of good elements like

  • Melodic hardcore
  • Female vox <3
  • A name that is just terrible
  • Undecipherable lyrics
  • Silly accents
  • A 'fun on tour' video 
They've just released a video for 'Tonight we own this place', which I'm guessing is about living for that moment you step on stage and all the travel is worth it. Maaan.

  • Nice to see the chick singer helps with the gear, that's equality in hardcore. Srs.
  • Nooo idea what the lyrics are, really.
  • I really love the back and forth vocals, especially when the girl sings a line by herself with no music.
  • The singer has the right mix of keeping it real and keeping it cute.
  • 01.04 ZANY TOUR GUY STRIKES AGAIN. Also, 1.73 per litre? Oof.
  • Hmm..these guys have defo been on tour
  • If you want to know what gigs are like most of the time on tour with a DIY band pay attention to 2.34 - band rocking out, giving it their all. 5 ppl standing around at the front, half watching :(
  • Alriiight they drink shots, maybe we should hang!
I've actually found a video with their lyrics..think it was better not knowing..

  • 'keep direction, don't turn off'
  • Loving all the lingo 'bros', 'sick' etc
  • 'Nothing in stomach' lolololol
  • 'we ain't no fan' lolwat?
I probably shouldn't be so harsh seeing as I was pretty bad at French but hey, what's the internet for if not making fun of things you like?

They're on the internet here -> Bigblast


  1. thank you for the good laugh ! <3
    Very good and funny post

    Cheers From france
    Charlotte, the one who did the video ;)

  2. Haha good post.
    But the vocal melody is really weird!
