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Friday, October 7, 2011

Song by Song: Man Overboard - Self Titled 2011

Good 2 see they're sticking to their lazy album cover rootz

I don’t think I would have liked Man Overboard if I heard them when I
was a teenager. They would have offended my ideal as to what a punk
rock/pop punk band should have been what with their vocal effects and
emo lyrics. I saw them live in Dublin last year though and their
guitarist/singer was drunk and wonderfully out of tune so they
actually had a fun, punk element to them and that was the catalyst to
me giving them a second chance and actually growing to really like
some of the songs on Real Talk. They’re basically pop written by pop
punk dudes but they’re catchy and seem like good people.

So anyway, here are my impressions of each song..


Straight away I don’t like the intro, I can see what they're going for  but it sounds like a record sped up or a badly tuned radio recorded through a washing machine. Once it gets going properly the verse is good and then the chorus comes in at a weird off time tempo that takes a while to get used to. The bridge is nice and chorus works well the last time around, and once you're used to the changes it's a solid, catchy song.


I like the stop-start guitar style with vocals running underneath. The second song off Real Talk goes the same way as this and I guess if it ain't broke... Zacs vocals haven’t changed much from the slightly whiney nerdy teenager next door singing in his first band but his melodies are good. The chorus works well, they’re going for a ‘big chorus’ type vibe and the song grows as it continues. There are some parts that they won’t be able to pull of live I'd say, but it's a good song overall.

Voted Most Likely

This is another one that builds up well with a nice galloping rhythm that comes in during the verse, something I haven’t heard them do before. Works well with their melodic, sugarsweet singing style actually. Chorus is definitely one for the girls to sing along to. The 'breakdown' bit is sweet and the whole song leads to that and then the bridge after where there's alot of back and over vocals and then the purdy chorus again. You can see exactly they're going for but I’m a sucker for a melodic chorus and a b it of a breakdown so sue me for like this more than I should.

Dead End Dreams

The acoustic ‘gang vocals’ intro...ehhh...yeah, it's a bit cringey but it does help get the chorus stuck in my damn head.  They’re still rhyming ‘world’ with ‘girl’ but at least they're talking about the transition between being a boy and a man.  Then they bust out the STADIUM ROCK CHORUS, perfect for clapping along to or, for hardcore kids who are secretly emo kids at heart, chanting along to. There's a lot of 'how to write a song for a bigger venue' parts stuck into this song but it might grow on me.

Something’s Weird

Nice fast pace to this one, I’m reminded of the descendants for some reason. The singing could do with a bit more balls and angst during the first part of the verse but I should man up and listen to some man music if I want that I guess, The second part of the verse(?) is great and the chorus is good too. The bridge has a lot going on, and grabs your attention more than alot of pop punk bridges would. There's a good bit going on in the song and structure-wise it's pretty complicated for them. Good song overall.


There’s about a minute of music at the start without vocals, which makes this song drag and it’s largely unremarkable for the most part. There’s a part in the middle where the vocals go back and over that I really
like, Nik with the stronger vocals and Zac coming in after. This has more of a teen movie soundtrack vibe to it I think, and if your bros got into your car as this song came on they'd be within their rights to call you a total fggt.

Not the First

Intro comes straight from the Rise Against ripping off Bad Relgion school of riffs. Sure that'll piss off the purists but whatever dude. This song also grows well and doesn’t just stick to a three chord-played-at-different-speeds format. Not sure if I want to bludgeon myself into deafness with mp3 player when they sing 'know-oh-oh-woah-oh-oh-oh-oh' etc or eat ice cream and sing along. They can right a little hook as well as anyone though.


Love the intro to this! Vocals work really well together with a nice harmony. Yeah, this song is great, really fast pace and vocals are good and catchy with ‘woahs’ and gang vocals, the works. I had a feeling there would be a bit of a slowed down breakdown to this and it arrives 2/3 of the song in, as predicted, but it mixes their melodies and hardcore-influenced drumming well. The transition into the fast part is seemless and I might have a new favourite song on the album, this almost sounds like skate punk. This is probably the song you won't be embarrased about your friends hearing you listening to.


Slowing things down a little bit which is to be expected after the last song. I think they released this one in advance of the album, and it has all the things you would expect in a Man Overboard song. Solid song that flows well and one that I can see ‘people’ singing along in the car to. Kind of overkill with a piano bit towards the end, but I like the up-tempo chorus that follows.

Picture Perfect

Coming towards the end of the album and I think this is the first slow song that starts with just guitar and vocals. Thankfully its Nik singing so the cringe factor is kept down. Not sure what genre this is, again, wouldn’t be out of place on a teen movie soundtrack, except I mean that as more of a compliment than I did with Punishment. Not a lot of punk to be found in this, but it shows another side of their songwriting and I’m sure the 14 year old girls and older dudes with the blues/suburban issues will dig it.
Night Feelings
I'm reminded of AFI with this one, good AFI that is, not the screechy early stuff or the weird old man pop of later years. There's a really nice tempo change in it that slows it down but really shows their progression as a band, it doesn't feel forced but really adds to the song. This is followed by a soaring, uplifting chorus (can't believe I just typed that, ugh..) and there's a few layers of changes and hooks between vocals, guitars and drums. There's an energy with this song and I get the impression they had fun writing this one. There's a classic POP PUNK JUMP BREAKDOWN (I'm completely making these terms up) towards the end that makes me want to write a part like it into a song asap. One of the best songs on the album.


Another slow starter, lyrics are about watching the world and again contemplating becoming a man, it's a welcome change. Verse is horrifically emo, filled with White Whines and I wonder if they'll ever get to the stage where they sing about drinking vodka and partying. Either way it at least adds some variety to the album and it might stand the test of time a bit better than most of their relationship lyrics.

Overall I'm impressed with this album. There's been a very slight progression in the lyrics but a leap forward in songwriting overall. Real Talk, for me, has a few stand out singles, some songs with good parts and a lot of filler. The album is self titled and there is a sense they have found their sound. Headstone and Night Feelings are the best of the faster songs, Voted Most Likely is a well-written song and Teleport should be a favourite with the ladies looking for non-threatening, music boys. This will be in my car cd player for a while. 8/10.

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