Moshup: n. A song comprised of elements of two or more pre-existing pieces of music that RAWWWWK.
As a music nerd, I love seeing patterns and loops that can be used in multiple songs. Eg. singing 'my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard' over any song that has 4/4 rhythm will work. Try it. Take the opening riff of Smells Like Teen Spirit by the Nirvanas and sing that over it.
Anyway, I've been sidetracked... Some people think DJs are just lazy, leech-type creatures who push buttons and have no musical talent. Wrong! Some of them have talent and if you can't admit that then you sir, are jealous. While I enjoy a ridiculous dance remix as much as the next occasional weekend binge drinker, even better to me are remixes that use elements of alternative/rock songs.
Enter Dr Brixx, who has made a pretty seemless mix of The Wonder Years and Paramore. The intro is a bit forced, but the rest of the song, espeically the bridge are really good.
If anything, it makes me a little sad to hear how TWY could sound if Soupy hand't turned into such a miserable moanbag!
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