For some reason I had never actually watched any of their videos... This is particularly rare as Youtube is usually the first port of call upon hearing of a new band. A good video can make or break a band as it lengthens the attention span while drilling the song into your subconscious. In this case however I took a recommendation of their awesomeness and just went with it without doing any more research. I wasn't disappointed. It was only later that I checked to see if they had any videos...
Bates Motel
This is actually one of their newest offerings, from their 2011 album Thunderblast. I was expecting some young dudes, possibly with some slightly emo hair (as is oddly common in Canadian skate-punk bands). Instead my eyes were hit with two receding hairlines and a beardo! Then...
- 00:06 - The drummer sings has emo hair and sings! Though not sure if he's passionate or in desperate need of a toilet break?
- 00:13 - Srsly, has the drummer opened his eyes yet?! And his face during the snare hits, SO INVESTED IN THE FEELINGS OF THE SONG
- 00:19 - We've seen some WIDE EYES, more passionate singing with closed eyes and then the drummer finally opens his eyes, yay he can see!
- 00:28 - Oh, now the bassist is making a habit of O.O eyes
- 01:10 - *genuinely to into the song/mesmerised by technical elements to make bad jokes*
- 01:13 - Okay, I love the palm muting and the singing but WHAT is the bassist doing? Swaying all over the gaf.
- 01:35 - Mmm the chorus is so good, has it all going on.
- 02:00 - These guys go pretty hard for old guys. Really hope they're not actually 24..
- 02:15 - Love the breakneck speed and technical parts and then it runs into a "jump" part <3
- 02:50 - Oh shiiii here comes the solo!
- I love the drummers flippy hair flips
- Who is the dude in the Led Zepplin merch. He even gets the mic during the gang chant. C'mon man, just, no.
- Dat metal ending
To Be With You
- Aw sweet, a 'tells a story' video, this should be good!
- Oooof it's a cover, not sure if I can stomach this..a shame because I love skateboard/performance videos. Moving on I think!
- Hmm it's from the latest album but they seem to be experimenting with some filmmaker techniques and filters, SO PROFESSIONAL!
- 00:50 - Still not really sure what's going on here...
- I always find it kind of off putting when the music and vocals are fast but the video is slow moving by comparison
- Is the old guy genuinely confused or acting or what? I like to think he is the dad of a band member contemplating on how he wanted his son to be an accountant.
- So it seems it was all recorded on phones as part of a contest. Is that why it has no fucking connection to the actual song or am I missing something?
- Aw man, the breakdown part deserves a better visual representation than an old man dressing himself.
- 02.50 - An actual guitar! Being played by someone sitting on a comfortable sofa? Ok...
- 03:40 - Oh wait there's the band!
- Next video!
Fading Out
- Waah the singer has different hair and he's still pulling faces!
- Now I know I should just do the research but I'm guessing this is an older video? There's lots more hair for one thing..
- I think this is probably a better single. It's still got technical parts but they're just the extra ribbons and glitter.
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