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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's a punk rock Christmas!

It felt like there was a time when if you were a REAL PUNK you didn't like Christmas. I always thought this was stupid cos what's more punx than sharing stuff and having good times with your friends and family? There have of course been Christmas covers before, but this year the festive cheer seems to have been embraced across the board, from old punk rock dinosaurs, to the young pop punk heartthrobs.

Bad Religion Christmas Songs

I love Bad Religion, but they aren't exactly known for having fun, let's be honest. So when they went balls out with these covers I gotta say it made my day. Of course, people are mad, but they are donating 20% of proceeds to SNAP, a support network for the victims of clerical abuse, so that works for me.

Misfits Horror Christmas

I saw somebody online disown Misfits after hearing this, which is laughable cos everyone else disowned Misfits a long time ago and enjoys the Graves and Danzig albums. Also, this song is pretty sweet! Probably the best thing the modern Misfits have done.

New Found Glory / Punk Goes Christmas

The incredibly well marketed 'Punk Goes..' franchise goes Christmas this time. Usually the formula is simple: take popular songs and have relatively popular bands cover them. This works well. What doesn't work so well is having the bands write their own Christmas songs...They missed a trick with this one I think. Still, the NFG song is a decent attempt at a campfire/radio/singalong song and I'm sure the teen scene girl market will eat it up.

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