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Friday, December 14, 2012

There is something inherently funny about Mute videos

Mute are a really good skate-punk band, from Quebec in Canada, that combine speed, melody and some tricky guitar-work (that borders on metal at times) so you can see why I would like them. If you like A Wilhelm Scream or Strung Out I advise you to skip my rambling and check out some of their stuff further down the page!

For some reason I had never actually watched any of their videos... This is particularly rare as Youtube is usually the first port of call upon hearing of a new band. A good video can make or break a band as it lengthens the attention span while drilling the song into your subconscious. In this case however I took a recommendation of their awesomeness and just went with it without doing any more research. I wasn't disappointed. It was only later that I checked to see if they had any videos...

Bates Motel

This is actually one of their newest offerings, from their 2011 album Thunderblast. I was expecting some young dudes, possibly with some slightly emo hair (as is oddly common in Canadian skate-punk bands). Instead my eyes were hit with two receding hairlines and a beardo! Then...

  • 00:06 - The drummer sings has emo hair and sings! Though not sure if he's passionate or in desperate need of a toilet break?
  • 00:13 - Srsly, has the drummer opened his eyes yet?! And his face during the snare hits, SO INVESTED IN THE FEELINGS OF THE SONG
  • 00:19 - We've seen some WIDE EYES, more passionate singing with closed eyes and then the drummer finally opens his eyes, yay he can see!
  • 00:28 - Oh, now the bassist is making a habit of O.O eyes
  • 01:10 - *genuinely to into the song/mesmerised by technical elements to make bad jokes*
  • 01:13 - Okay, I love the palm muting and the singing but WHAT is the bassist doing? Swaying all over the gaf.
  • 01:35 - Mmm the chorus is so good, has it all going on.
  • 02:00 - These guys go pretty hard for old guys. Really hope they're not actually 24..
  • 02:15 - Love the breakneck speed and technical parts and then it runs into a "jump" part <3
  • 02:50 - Oh shiiii here comes the solo!
Other notes
  • I love the drummers flippy hair flips
  • Who is the dude in the Led Zepplin merch. He even gets the mic during the gang chant. C'mon man, just, no.
  • Dat metal ending
Well, I couldn't just leave it there now could I? Next video!
To Be With You

  • Aw sweet, a 'tells a story' video, this should be good!
  • Oooof it's a cover, not sure if I can stomach this..a shame because I love skateboard/performance videos. Moving on I think!

  • Hmm it's from the latest album but they seem to be experimenting with some filmmaker techniques and filters, SO PROFESSIONAL!
  • 00:50 - Still not really sure what's going on here...
  • I always find it kind of off putting when the music and vocals are fast but the video is slow moving by comparison
  • Is the old guy genuinely confused or acting or what? I like to think he is the dad of a band member contemplating on how he wanted his son to be an accountant.
  • So it seems it was all recorded on phones as part of a contest. Is that why it has no fucking connection to the actual song or am I missing something?
  • Aw man, the breakdown part deserves a better visual representation than an old man dressing himself.
  • 02.50 - An actual guitar! Being played by someone sitting on a comfortable sofa? Ok...
  • 03:40 - Oh wait there's the band!
  • Next video!
 Fading Out

  • Waah the singer has different hair and he's still pulling faces!
  • Now I know I should just do the research but I'm guessing this is an older video? There's lots more hair for one thing..
  • I think this is probably a better single. It's still got technical parts but they're just the extra ribbons and glitter.
So yeah, sometimes videos are a great way of showing you band in a good light and helping your career. Other times they mean some guy make a post about them on his blog. Although I guess there's no such thing as bad press! Check out Mute and tell them we want to know what's up with their videos.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

ICP have giftz for your lady ninja!

It's that time of the year again y'all! You want to get that special jugalatte in your life something special that shows she is your family but also you still want to get into her pants. And what better way to say this than with actual Insane Clown Posse pants?!

Would become a priest in a small rainforest village of eunuchs if I was with a girl wearing these.

And the response to these monstrosities? A heated debate on the merits of the 'hatchet girl' logo. Apparently the ninjas are cool with their legit hip hop idols having underwear as merch, but they draw the line with their face-paint-covered-fingers at changing the scaaary hatchet man to a sissy hatchet girl.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I've posted an article on Stuff You Will Hate

Stuff You Will Hate is pretty much the blog that made me come to terms with opening liking the most fggty pop punk and generic pop music. It also consistently keeps me entertained and makes me want to post more of my own stuff here. So in a BIG DEAL development for yours truly I've submitted this 'article'.