Ah the sequel.. once upon a time it seemed a rare thing, only used when the character-writing of a film was so good, or the story was so complex that another edition was a must. Of course now, sequels = $$$. So, where does that leave Birdemic 2? Will the sequel make lots of money? It might make some, but I doubt studios were engaged in a bidding war. So maybe it will be a natural progression of the story, that answers the (many, many) questions from the first? I wouldn't hold my breath...
Most importantly to me and other fans, would the sequel retain the vision, spirit and energy of the first?
Well, having solved climate change in birdemic, James now turns his attention to Hollywood! (Because, you know, he has made a few films in his time and I think he know's what he's talking about okay?
From the opening scene it's clear that James has decided 'if it's broke but it kinda worked, don't fix it!' Yes, just like in the first movie, there is a painfully long credit sequence, this time documenting some guy walking for 5 minutes (in what looks like real time) through Hollywood. The 'extras' are just people who happen to be on the street and a dramatic wailing siren is actually a real cop car that has nothing to do with the story. Also check out the blurred out movie ads. Besides wondering where the scene/character was going, I was also struck by how many people worked on this monstrosity.
Mr Nguyen puts his personal, clumsy stamp all over this movie and the message is again, as subtle as a brick. We're informed that the best indie movies are those where the director is given complete control and how Hollywood movies are like, sooooo expensive.
There's too much to talk about, so - in bullet form - some of the recurring features from the first film:
- Dodgy news broadcasts
- Creepy dudes chasing blondes down the street
- Awkward human interaction
- Extended clapping/celebration scenes
- Awkward dinner date
- A walk on the beach, complete with terrible, windswept audio
- Terrible graphics
- Awkwardness, so much damn awkwardness
- The unsure doctor/professor -"Don't you know that uh birds are the descendants of uh dinosaurs?
- SUPER awkward dance scene w/black singer singing with no audio/amplification equipment
- Obtrusive mom
But James didn't make a sequel of basically the same movie without some new tricks up his sleeve! New things to look out for include:
- A driving scene that looks like an 80s music video
- Flashbacks to cavemen times
- An underwater scene like nothing you've ever seen before
- Some biting satire of horror movies
- Zombies...
Also: The line where the kid explains how his sister died.
The drinking game, should you need it: Drink on the word 'dead'. Takes a while to get going, but, you'll get there.
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