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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Q: How many drummers does it take to play a Ramones song?

A: None. You just need a robot.

I'm not sure if I'm impressed by this or not. I mean, it's only the Ramones and he's got four arms.

You gotta turn it up good and loud to hear the music.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Twitter-sized reviews: Frankenweenie

This girl. OMGoth

Delightfully odd. Grim with grins.. Macabre and mirthful. ALL of the horror references! 8/10

Monday, October 8, 2012

Twitter-sized reviews: Looper

Looper: Watch Back To The Future and Die Hard back to back instead. Ah, it's ok. 6/10

Joesph Gordon-Levitt contemplates why the criminals don't just use time travel for financial gain...

Friday, October 5, 2012

New Music Crush - The Front Bottoms

As I have mentioned, I am in a wee bit of a music rut and therefore am susceptible to stuff I usually would unfairly not give a fair chance. For example, The Front Bottoms, two guys playing indie-influenced folk punk on an acoustic guitar and drums. It doesn't sound exactly like what I like but dammit, it works!

00.30 - Bang of a slightly more in tune Tom Delonge off the singer.
00.49 - The puppet makes me inexplicably happy
1.30 - They're reeeeally playing up the 'we just have music, but we're happy' thing, they better not be rich!
1.40 - Love the little change taking out the instruments and adding backing vox
All of the video - I think it's great, all the random filler that's nicely shot
2.40 - Moooore backing vox <3

What I love about this band (apart from the name) is the fact they seem to be two average lads, who aren't particularly handsome or rich, having fun and making the best music they can with their limited resources. (I am going to be super bummed if it turns out they are English Majors from the suburbs with rich parents)
Sure they have some additional instruments in the mix, but the video is just the two of them rocking out with the bare essentials.

Most of all I love the lyrics. Part confessional, part metaphor, possibly part nonsense, there's a really Matt Skiba vibe off them. Then there's the slightly awkward way they are layered over the music. Not sure if he had too many lyrics to squeeze in or if it's purposely done to be slightly unnerving (which wouldn't surprise me given all the 'uncomfortable' references). Either way, it works! The best example is in the second verse of the song Flashlight from 2.10 or so. It doesn't follow traditional structures at all but works wo well. Genius or awkwardness?

At the root of it all seems to be a bromance, and that's nice too.They're on bookface and loads more social meejas.